Friday, July 24, 2009


OF course this is backwards... this is supposed to be the last picture.  Oh well... the almost finished patio of Jo and Darryl.  This is the third patio this summer.  And all of them are different.  We will be having a patio showing  of all three patios at a future date.  Check this blog for further info on this oh so interesting feature.

The almost finished patio.  What is that pattern? I can hear you asking.  Oh, that would be "planned random".
So nice...   

Darryl had the easy part and the fun part... ok...not really easy but sorta fun.
The grunt labor... D on the rototillar...not much fun! 
More grunt labor...Sam replaces a sprinkler...

I have learned a lot this summer about patios.  The most important part is that the prep work is the hardest and takes the longest time.  It is not fun but it is so important to the finished product.  Shortcuts are not tolerated.  But nobody appreciates the work or the worker of this under appreciated slave labor.  There are many unsung heros out there who have sweat gallons of liquid and have drank, drunk gallons of liquid so they could then sweat more gallons... you get the point...   So a high five to all you slave laborists out there.  Just so you know... there is one person in this world who appreciates you. That would be me.  You're welcome.

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